Study Melbourne Research Partnerships FAQs

Q. Can researchers at either a Victorian University or a TAFE Institute make an application?

A. No. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor International or TAFE Institute CEO must nominate applications.

They must ensure that the nominated researcher(s) and research project(s) align with their organisations endorsed international engagement strategic plan, specifically international education and research priorities.  Evidence of this will be required during the application submission.

Q. My Victorian University does not have a Deputy Vice-Chancellor International. Who should act as the nominator for the application(s)?

A. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research or TAFE Institute CEO may act as the nominator should your institution not have an individual in a Deputy Vice-Chancellor International position.

Q. How many applications can each Victorian Education Provider nominate?

A. Each Victorian Education Provider is invited to nominate 3 applications.

Q. What is the definition of a Victorian Education Provider?

A. A Victorian Education Provider is either a Victorian University or TAFE Institute undertaking research in Victoria, or a TAFE Institute who is partnering with a Victorian Research Partner.

Q. Are there preferred regions, or regions to avoid?

A. No, there are no preferred regions. It is hoped that this application round receives a mix of Research Projects across a variety of regions engaging new and existing partners.

Q. Does the Victorian Education Provider [VEP] have to be undertaking research?

A.  If the Victorian Education Provider is a University, it must be undertaking research.  If the VEP is a TAFE organisation, then they must partner with a Victorian partner organisation which is undertaking research.

Q. Is the contract with the Victorian Education Provider or the International Research partner?

A. The funding agreement for the Study Melbourne Research Partnerships program is between veski and the Victorian Education Provider as the funding recipient.

Q. Who is qualified to be a referee?

A. Nominated Referees should be able to assess your application, it is strongly recommended for Referees to be outside of your organisation or any partnering organisations. At this stage, we only require the details of your two nominated Referees, they will only be contacted should we require any further clarification.

Q. Who will be evaluating my Study Melbourne Research Partnerships application?

A. The Project Governance Group has been established, made up of 6 individuals with international engagement experience across academia, government and the not-for-profit sector.

Q. Can a Victorian Education Provider receive more than 1 grant?

A. Yes, this is possible. Each Victorian Education Provider is able to submit a up to THREE nomination

Q. Can my Research Project engage either a new or existing partner?

A. Yes, the purpose of the Study Melbourne Research Partnerships program is to engage with new or stimulate existing partnerships which may have become stagnant over time.

Q. Which type of Research Projects will be considered?

A. Research Projects that will generally be considered include:

  • Requests for funding for a Research Project that has established agreements in place with the international partner.
  • Projects where a distinct phase has been completed, and a new and distinct phase of the same project is in line to be undertaken.
  • Projects where some pre-work has already been undertaken i.e. data collection, and requires funding to initiate the next phase of research.
  • Requests for funding an existing research proposal which has been agreed in principal with international partners.
  • Research Projects that are research ready by 15 October 2021, and that can be completed within 12 months.

Q. Can I submit an application for funding of an existing Research Project?

A. The Study Melbourne Research Partnerships Program is looking for Projects that are either

  • a NEW LINE of research with an international partner and/or
  • a DISTINCT NEW PHASE of an existing research project with an international partner

Q. Are we able to submit a Research Project with more than one International Partner in the target country?

A.  Yes, this is possible. The online application allows for a maximum of 3 International Partners.

Q. Is match-funding a requirement?

A. Whilst a matched funding contribution is not a requirement, in-kind and/or co-contributions will be looked upon favourably by the Project Governance Group, with relativity of amounts considered in the context to institutional or organizational reputation and standing.

Q. What can be funded under the project?

A. Please refer to the Study Melbourne Research Partnerships Funding Guidelines.

Q. Can part of the budget be allocated to the International Partner?

A. The Funding Agreement is between veski and the Victorian Education Provider Funding Recipient – the proposed budget will form part of this and should account for all planned funding expenditure in the delivery of the Research Project.